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Looking for some powerful affirmations for self love and healing? I put together this list of affirmations that I personally use and let me tell you: they do their job.
I used to be very skeptical about this…
Telling yourself things that are not true? Repeating them over and over in the hope for all those things to become reality?
But once I tried, I changed my opinion instantly. I could literally feel the difference in how I felt after the first couple of times!
Now I try to use affirmations as often as possible during the day. Sometimes even unplanned, when I get triggered by something and my “favorite” negative self talk shows up in my mind… I jump in with an affirmation ready to fight for my well-being.
Hopefully, this post can convince you to try affirmations to boost your self love and healing journey.
This post is all about affirmations for self love and healing.
What is an affirmation?
Affirmation is a powerful statement that encourages, supports, and motivates you.
Affirmations are usually focused on promoting a positive change and improving your self-talk.
In my post about spiritual practices you need for a happier life, I already talked about vibrational energy and how spiritual routines help raise your vibrations.
This is precisely the way affirmations work too!
By training your mind to think in a positive, self-loving, self-compassionate way, you obtain a positive, abundant mindset that raises your vibrational energy frequency and makes you a more successful, happier person.
The thing is that the way you think determines the way you look at situations, problems, opportunities… and the way you react to them, and even what you choose when you have a choice!
So, basically, the way you think determines your whole life.
And it’s not me who said that — sometime in the 70s scientists and therapists discovered the connection between positive thinking and positive life change.
By the way, journaling is another similar activity that helps to practice self love. If you want to try it, check out my favorite journaling prompts:
Detailed Self Love Journal Challenge
Journaling Prompts Any Creative Should Try
So what’s one way to start thinking positive?
Work on your thinking patterns.
Work on your self-talk.
Work on your mindset.
Affirmations for self love and healing help A LOT with this.
Now, all this “work on your mindset” stuff might sound hard and time-consuming…
It really is not (it just seems like that).
At the end of the day, the hardest part is to decide to start and then ACTUALLY START.
That’s where most people get stuck: they read a post about affirmations, watch a video about affirmations, print a list of affirmations, and put it on the wall… and then they never get to work.
So let’s not be like that and get straight to the point…
How to create affirmations
You can write your own affirmations — it’s a very fun process, and much more effective too. Or use my list below, if feeling a little lazy and just want to try this out (that’s how I started my affirmations journey 🙃)
You can also download my self love affirmations PDF, print it out, cut it into cards, and keep them handy to use at any moment.

The main principle when writing your own affirmations is:
Look within yourself what you want to achieve and focus on that.
There’s a list of guidelines that I ideally try to use when writing my own affirmations. I took them from one of my favorite books of all time — The Success Principles by Jack Canfield.
Here are the main guidelines for constructing your own affirmations:
- Start with the words I am. The subconscious interprets any words starting with I am as a command.
- Use the present tense. Describe what you want as if you already had it.
- State it in the positive. Affirm what you want, not what you don’t want. The unconscious doesn’t hear the words no, or not. It thinks in pictures, so the statement “Don’t yell”, for example, evokes an image of yelling.
- Keep it brief. It needs to be short and memorable to be easily remembered.
- Make it specific. Vague affirmations produce vague results.
- Include an action word ending with -ing when possible. The active verb adds power to the effect by evoking an image of doing it right now.
- Include at least one dynamic emotion or feeling word when possible. The emotional state you would be feeling if you had already achieved the goal in the affirmation makes it more powerful.
- Make affirmations for yourself, not others. Describe your behavior, not the behavior of others.
- Add or something better. Sometimes our desires are coming from our ego or from our limited experience. Sometimes there is something better that is available for us.
How to use affirmations
It’s important to know a few things.
Firstly, the key to efficiently using affirmations is to notice where your struggle is and direct all your attention to it: use affirmations that state the opposite of it.
Secondly, be patient. The process of shifting your mindset takes some time. Take it slow, little step by little step. Focus on the short-term result (that you’ll notice immediately) rather than the long-term one.
Finally, again and again, I will repeat this just like I do in almost every post about almost everything: consistency is key.
Just stick with it.
Show up every day for a few minutes and you will start feeling the difference very soon. Just don’t rush the process.
HOW TO: repeat each statement 3-5 times (one time or more during the day).
The best time to use affirmations is first thing in the morning to set a good mood for the day.
Try to visualize yourself as the affirmation describes. While repeating it, try to see the setting looking out through your eyes as if you were actually living it.
Try to feel the feelings that you would be feeling if you already had what you are talking about.
You can also review your affirmations a few times a day. For example, in the morning, in the middle of the day to refocus yourself, and before going to bed.
List of self-love affirmations
Short affirmations for self love
I am worthy of love.
I am loveable.
I deserve all the good things.
I deserve all my dreams coming true.
I am unique.
I am enough.
I am proud of myself.
I am improving every day.
I accept myself unconditionally.
I follow my own heart.
I stand up for myself.
I accept my fears and doubts.
I respect myself.
I trust myself.
I love myself unconditionally.
I live my life for me.
I open myself for joy and fun.
Gratitude affirmations for self love
I am choosing to release the past and embrace the future.
I am more for making mistakes because I learn from them.
I am doing my best, and that is enough.
I am not perfect and no one is.
I am grateful for all my talents and skills.
I am grateful for all the experiences I had in my life.
I am grateful for every small step I am making toward my goals.
I am living a meaningful and important life.
I am willing to find happiness in each little moment.
I have a beautiful body full of energy and strength.
I embrace my body fully as it is.
I appreciate every part of my body.
I am intelligent and smart.
I am capable of achieving any and all of my dreams.
I have a beautiful and unique personality.
Night affirmations for self love
I am appreciating this day for its opportunities and lessons.
I am a better person now than I was in the morning.
I am thanking this day for helping me improve.
I believe that tomorrow is bringing new opportunities and blessings into my life.
I trust my dreams this night with bringing me answers.
I am waking up a better person tomorrow.
I am getting fully rested this night, and I am waking up energized.
I view the mistakes of today as lessons learned for the good of my future self.
Spiritual self love affirmations
I trust that the Universe is taking care of me in the best way possible.
I trust that the Universe has something amazing planned for me.
I am deeply and unconditionally loved by the Universe.
I trust that everything I need comes to me at the right time.
I am deeply connected with my higher self.
I am connected to a limitless source of creativity, abundance, health, happiness, and love.
I can find everything I need within me.
I am getting everything I want or something better.
I am open to all the positive transformations my journey holds.
I am raising my vibrations and becoming happier.
I can manifest anything I want.
I am peaceful and grounded.
I trust my intuition and my body when seeking answers.
I trust that everything is always working out for me.
I allow miracles and magic to unfold in my reality.
I trust the process and respect my own timing.
I am made of stars. The light I seek is always within me.
I own a beautiful soul and a strong spirit.
Affirmations for Highly Sensitive People
I am appreciating my exceptional creativity.
I am appreciating how emotionally aware I am.
I am appreciating my ability to sense nuances and contexts.
I am cherishing my rich inner life.
I am cherishing my insightfulness.
I am an owner of a strong mind.
I am trusting my powerful intuition and perceptiveness.
I am avoiding things that overwhelm me.
I am avoiding effectors that overstimulate me.
I am avoiding toxic, negative-thinking people.
I am taking my time to decompress and recharge.
I am working on improving my self-talk.
I am working on taming my inner critics.
I am acknowledging that emotions are not facts.
I am inspiring other people with my uniqueness and creativity.
I am a natural leader that people enjoy following.
I am acknowledging and embracing all the feelings and emotions I have.
I am accepting and embracing my sensitive nature.
I am allowing myself to take my time with changes.
I am allowing myself to get all the self-care I need.
I am learning my triggers and how to work around them.
I am allowing myself to get emotional.
I am setting healthy boundaries for myself.
I am allowing myself to take good care of my body.
I am remembering my HSP superpowers.
I am learning to listen to my body and my needs.
I am not alone in my sensitivity.
I appreciate my beautiful mind.
I am gifted and spiritually awake.
RELATED POST: 33 Best Self-Love Tips For Highly Sensitive Person
This post was all about affirmations for self love and healing.
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