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Are you looking to make your 2024 absolutely phenomenal? Here are the best mindsets to have in 2024 to make this year the best year of your life.
I know what you just thought. “Oh yeah, we say it every year, new year — new me, and all that stuff… And nothing changes.”
Well, here are two things to consider.
Firstly, this year (and the next 10, and even 20 years) is going to be transformational. So whether you want it or not, you’re on the hook just like everyone else. The change is inevitable.
Secondly, it’s up to you whether this change is fruitful and life-changing in the sweetest way possible, or it drags you into the abyss of darkness (okay okay, don’t get scared — it just sounded really poetic).
So here are the best mindsets to have in 2024 if you want to pursue great results and peace of mind.
This post is all about the best mindsets to have in 2024.
👣 Mindset 1: Focus on what it feels like rather than what it looks like
What is the first thought on your mind when you’re about to make an important decision or a choice?
It’s really crazy to think about it but in the past, I would always think “Would I look the way I want to look if I did that? What would people think of me if they saw me doing it? Would I look cool if I did that?”
The even crazier part is that I still get those thoughts sometimes. However, I’ve been doing better and better at developing this mindset that when you are doing something, NOTHING ELSE matters rather than how YOU FEEL.
What kind of response your body is giving you when you think about that decision? Our body knows what we need better than anything else.
If we dismiss how we personally feel about something and make choices based on “Am I going to look cool or better than I am or awkward doing this?”, we are being guided by something that never should have been our guide in the first place.
So looking back, I can confidently say that some of my decisions would look different if I worked on this sooner (my YouTube channel would have been 5 years old by now, hem-hem). But hey, this is what we’re here for — to figure things out.
By the way, a couple of days after I planned this post, I was doing yoga and while explaining the asanas, the yoga teacher literally said this exact same thing. (This is how I know I’m on a right track.) You can apply it in any aspect of your life!
HOW TO PRACTICE THIS: Any time you are facing a choice, imagine that whatever you do, you will be praised by the people around you. Now, keeping that in your mind, imagine choosing each available option one after another. Tune into your body sensations: What do you feel when you choose one option or another? Is it excitement + fear (good sign)? Is it uncomfortable tension (bad sign)? Etc.
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😬 Mindset 2: You’re supposed to feel uncomfortable
Any person who’s striving for a fulfilled life with a purpose should make this their rule.
If you ask any successful entrepreneur or businessman when was the time when they got the biggest chunk of their experience and knowledge… I can guarantee you’ll get the same answer over and over again: When they were inexperienced.
When we are inexperienced, we are usually shy and timid, and we are waiting for a perfect moment to start things but the best things happen when we allow ourselves to be unprepared.
If you look awkward doing something, applaud yourself. It means you’re allowing yourself to make mistakes. It means you’re doing something new, something you’ve never done before and that is awesome. You are growing.
The best way to do it is to get used to the thought that we are SUPPOSED to feel uncomfortable. So when you feel like you’re getting in a chill, relaxed state, you’re not being challenged, you’re living on autopilot… Poke yourself and be like: “Hey! Get out there!”
Because the best feeling is the feeling that you get afterward. You are going to be so proud that you didn’t chicken out and didn’t get scared. It really is one of the best mindsets to have in 2024.
HOW TO PRACTICE THIS: In your calendar or habit tracker, add a task or habit that repeats every day and call it “Do one uncomfortable thing”. Whether it’s a cold shower, talking to a stranger, filming a YouTube video (hem, hem), or a mix of those things, stick to it no matter what. Once they lose their “uncomfortable nature” for you, level up to new ones.
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🕊 Mindset 3: Let go of control (and stop forcing things)
This is my main focus this year.
If you know anything about human design, you probably know that we all have a “strategy” — how we naturally should be interacting with this reality. For a lot of people (including yours truly), the best strategy is “to respond” — as in, do not force, do not attack, but let go and let all the opportunities come to you voluntarily.
This is an oversimplified explanation but it reveals the gist of it.
I personally tend to control everything but I’ve been stubborn enough to ignore the fact that anything big I’ve ever accomplished was given to me exactly when I decided that… whatever happens happens.
Now, have you ever cooked a stew?
If you have, you know that once you cover the pot with simmering goodness in it, with a lid, it starts getting all angry and mad, pushing the lid and trying to get out. But once you open it, it calms down and agrees to stay, right? That’s how simple things like that can teach us philosophy.
Or bachata. When you’re dancing with a partner, you let them lead, you don’t push them back, right? That wouldn’t be a dance anymore. But once they let go of control, you can start pushing a little, but only until a certain point. That’s how we should dance with reality.
Doesn’t this sound like the best mindset to have in life?
HOW TO PRACTICE THIS: Every time you catch yourself trying to control things out of your zone of responsibility, remind yourself that there are only two things we are in control of — our actions and reactions. Check if it’s any of the above. If not — drop it and meditate instead.
🛠 Mindset 4: Learn to love the boring part
This is a hard one for me because I’m a sucker for novelty, I need to switch things up all the time and I tend to drop things I start and before finishing them. However, my intention to work on it is set in stone because it’s one of the best mindsets to have in 2024.
I heard or read about this interesting example somewhere (if you know where it’s from, please let me know in the comments below so that I can credit it):
Some successful athletes coach was asked what athletes need to succeed. Is it a talent, or a strong character? The coach replied that it’s both, but more important than that — to learn to love your routine. There would be NO successful athlete without hours and hours of repetition of the exact same thing every day.
This year I’m going to approach this in a strategic way: I’m going to prioritize the most critical processes in my life that I need to keep consistent no matter what and switch up all the other ones as much as I can. I can definitely move around things like reading, courses that I’m taking, movies, long walks, etc.
It’s also a good idea to add some new elements to your essential routines. For example, when I’m working on blog posts or scripting videos (can’t change that), I go to a coffee shop instead of working at home (can change that).
Another fun way to make your “boring” operations enjoyable is to romanticize them as much as possible. Because if you are enjoying as many moments of your life as possible, it really helps to keep your energy up and adds to the overall satisfaction. Light a candle, play some ambient music, or add anything else that keeps you present while doing things you have to be consistent with.
HOW TO PRACTICE THIS: Try and use switching up your routines and leisure activities while keeping your essential habits (working on your goals) stable and consistent. Try romanticizing your daily routines as well since it helps you add some excitement to monotonous processes.
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🪄 Mindset 5: Problems are your preserved great success
We have all heard so many times that problems are actually opportunities and so on and so forth… And they are! And I found this very convincing way to establish this mindset in your head: Any problem is our super result in a can.
Imagine someone gives you a can of beans. You can’t eat it yet because it’s sealed. You can start crying and complaining about how unfair your life is. Or you can go and buy a can opener, open it and have a meal.
In the same way, when a problem rises above the horizon, you can cry or you can look at it and ask yourself: What is the best result that I can get out of this, and how?
The same works with failures. Because practically, failures ARE some sort of problem, they are just more painful. But treat it the same way!
Problems are our fuel. Failures are our fuel multiplied by ego.
This is one of the best mindsets for success that you can ever develop. You’ll find it in any book about success, or any interview with someone who went from zero to hero.
HOW TO PRACTICE THIS: Every time you are facing a problem, get excited — this is your future success story! You can set a background for your phone lock screen with a text reminder, you can stick a post-it note above your desk, or meditate every morning with the intention to rewire your brain to this new way of thinking.
Hopefully, this inspired you to do some transformational inner work. Let me know in the comments below what you think are the best mindsets to have in 2024, and what was the best mindset for 2022 that you mastered.
This post was all about the best mindsets to have in 2024.
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