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Did you know you can use meditation to make a decision? Let me show you how!

So let’s say you are confronted with a choice… A hard one.

You are thinking it through again and again.

You’re asking friends for advice.

You’re going back and forth between the two options over and over again…

There’s a better way to do this:

Ask your body. It knows best.

In this post, we’ll chat about the power of meditation in intuitive decision making. Even when it’s a tough decision. Some next-level tools!

Let’s dive right into it.

This post is all about meditation to make a decision.

🌳 Can meditation improve decision-making?

The short answer is absolutely yes.

Meditation is a practice that has been gaining in popularity over the years. Its benefits are numerous and well-documented.

And one such benefit is that it can improve your decision-making.

By taking the time to meditate on a regular basis, you can increase your ability to focus and concentrate, which can in turn improve your ability to make clear-headed decisions.

Additionally, meditation can also help to reduce stress and anxiety, which can be major obstacles to clear thinking.

So, if you’re looking to improve your decision-making skills, it’s definitely worth considering adding meditation to your daily routine.

But what’s even more fascinating: Specific techniques used in meditation can boost your intuition and reconnect you with your body.

It’s a well-known fact that our bodies already know all the answers because they store generational and human collective wisdom in their genes.

Our bodies are also channels through which our all-knowing soul guide, intuition, is speaking to us.

Basically, by doing an intuition meditation to make a decision, you are training your intuitive decision-making muscle.

According to Wiki, intuitive decision-making is a process by which information acquired through associated learning and stored in long-term memory is accessed unconsciously to form the basis of a judgment or decision.

Sometimes this is the best and the only way!

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🙇🏻‍♀️ How to meditate on a decision?

To meditate on a decision, you need to simply look at your options and… focus on what it feels like.

As simple as that.

The trick here is that we’ve sort of forgotten how to tune into our bodily sensations…

We’ve forgotten how to decode what our bodies are communicating with us via various signs.

But the good news is that we can learn again how to listen to ourselves.

We can reconnect with our bodies and intuition. We can tune into our “inner guidance” radio station.

To break it down, the steps for meditation to make a decision would look like this:

  1. Pick a problem and two solutions to choose from;
  2. Settle into the present moment;
  3. Pretend to choose each of the options, one after another, and document the sensations, emotions, and feelings they bring you;
  4. Compare the two and make a decision based on your experience.

Below you’ll find a meditation script — if you like to follow a printed version.

RELATED POST: How to Overcome Procrastination and Laziness (+ Guided Meditation)

🧘🏼 5-minute guided meditation to find answers (script)

Below you’ll find the meditation script.

Let’s begin our meditation.

Ideally, you would have your journal next to you, with the options you have to choose from written down. That way you can document your experience and use your notes to examine the situation deeper.

But that’s optional. You can simply just keep your options in mind if that’s easier for you.

If you have more than two options, it is also helpful if you cut them down to the two most relevant ones. You can also repeat this practice the next day to get clarity on all the possible opportunities that you have.

So find a quiet place where you won’t be interrupted for the next few minutes. Mute your phone, lock your door, whatever you need to do to create a safe space for yourself.

Find a comfortable posture. Place your hands where it feels natural. Keep your back straight. Relax your muscles. And let’s take a deep breath to settle into stillness.

Take a slow deep breath in through your nose. Fill your lungs with fresh air all the way up… And release through your mouth.

Let’s take two more breaths like that.

Deep breath in through your nose… Feel your chest and belly expand. And release without control.

And the last one. Deep breath in… And out.

Pay attention to how your body feels now in the space. Notice if you have any sensations in your chest or stomach, your throat, your arms, and legs. Observe what you feel without any judgment. Let it be the way it is.

Now think of the two options that you have to choose from.

Let’s focus on the first one.

Imagine choosing it. Imagine saying out loud “I am going to…” and finish this sentence in your mind. Imagine doing it.

Pay close attention to the sensations in your body right now. Do you feel anything in your chest or stomach? Or maybe your legs? What kind of sensation is that? Maybe it’s a tingling feeling? Or a warm feeling? Or maybe it feels like someone squeezed your insides?

Try to recall what emotion brings your similar bodily sensations. Is it excitement? Is it peace? Or you’re feeling anxious? Or is it sadness?

Or maybe you’re scared but excited at the same time? Remember that even if you’re feeling anxious or scared, there’s still a possibility that this option would bring you the most fulfillment. It might be making you uncomfortable at this point because it’s about growth and expansion and getting out of your comfort zone.

Drop your attention deep into your sensations to be able to identify what’s underneath that fear.

Once you’ve done that, take a deep breath and with exhale release all the emotions. Let go of any tension in your body.

You’re back in this present moment… you’re back to your breath… And we’re going to check the other option.

Imagine choosing the second option. Imagine saying out loud “I am going to…” and finish this sentence in your mind. Imagine doing it.

What changed about how you’re feeling this time? What is happening in your body now?

Notice again any tension, any tightness, any sensation or emotion that comes up.

How does it feel now compared to the first round? If you’re feeling scared, is it excited scared, or sad scared?

Start slowly moving your fingers, your toes. Bring your attention back to your breath. Drop all the emotions from your body. You’re back in this present moment.

When you’re ready, open your eyes.

Based on what you’ve experienced, you can now assess which option brought you more pleasant emotions. That’s going to be the one.

Don’t forget to look beyond your fears to not miss a promising opportunity.

Click here to grab a free printable — a script for this meditation to make a decision intuitively.

This post was all about meditation to make a decision.


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