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Sometimes a fear that we have is so stubborn that nothing works against it… In this post, we’ll talk about how to overcome fear spiritually, which is one of the most powerful ways!

I bet if you clicked on this post, you’ve asked yourself many times before… How do we overcome fear? I’ve recently discovered this interesting, uncommon way which to me seems extremely healing.

In this post, I’ll tell you a little more about it, and you’ll find a 10-minute guided meditation.

You’ll also find all the affirmations from this meditation that you write down in your journal or hang on the wall to repeat every day.

Alright, let’s jump into it!

This post is all about how to overcome fear spiritually.

✊🏼 Most common ways to overcome fears

So what are the ways to overcome your fear? Among the most common ways to deal with fear and anxiety, there are:

Journaling. Dumping all your worries on paper might be extremely soothing.

Breathing and meditation. There’s no better way to shoo your fear away than breathing through it or falling into a safe space of meditation.

Forcing through the fear. Remember how to get onto Platform 9 and 3/4? That’s kind of what you would have to do here (sometimes it’s the best way!).

Working on limiting beliefs. What we tell ourselves on a day-to-day basis is absolutely crucial for our mental health. Did you know that most fears are born because of our limiting beliefs and inner critics?

Talking about it (therapy). This is just hands down one of the most effective ways to deal with fears. If nothing else helps — this totally will!

However, there are some other, unconventional ways of dealing with fear and anxiety. For example, the one that I am presenting below.

I’ve thought about fear from a deeper perspective and I tried to… give it a personality and talk to it. It felt so meaningful and healing as if I tapped into something that’s usually shut down for us.

But enough talk, and let’s finally do some work!

RELATED POST: How to Meditate Spiritually: Complete Guide

🙏🏼 My 10-minute guided meditation

So how to overcome fear and anxiety spiritually?

We have to engage in a conversation with our fear.

While there are so many ways to overcome fear out there, I found that the most effective one is actually not trying to fight it but being kind towards it and towards ourselves. When I started journaling about it and writing letters to my fears, it got so much easier for me to not follow them. So I decided to film this meditation for myself and you, and anyone who wants to heal in a gentle way.

Below you will see the script of this “how to overcome fear” meditation and all the affirmations,

So the first thing I will ask you to do is going to be probably surprising… If you are around people you might want to skip this and move on straight to the meditation.

But stand up from whatever you’re sitting or laying on, and see if there is some free space around you, you don’t need much… Now, give yourself a little shake — shake your arms, your legs, maybe jump a little bit, move your body in a way that feels nice. Don’t worry about what you look like. Our body stores a lot of emotions and memory, and it’s basically a key to everything so it’s really good to shake it out to get rid of old energy.

I hope you’re already feeling a little lighter. Now, dim the lights for a softer experience, maybe light up some candles, or burn some incense… Whatever makes you feel safe and calm.

When your meditation space is ready, sit comfortably, I like to sit cross-legged on a pillow… Just remember that the more you elevate your hips, the easier it is to keep your back straight which is what we need so feel free to add more pillows or blankets. Put your arms on your knees or your lap… Then softly close your eyes.

Let’s sit here for a couple of moments, tuning into our bodily sensations. Keep your back straight but try to not hold any tension in your body… Maybe your shoulders are tense, or your face. Pay attention to how your body feels… and just relax.

Let’s take three deep belly breaths together.

Take a deep breath through your nose — and exhale out through your mouth. Feel the fresh air filling your lungs, the expansion of the belly, ribs, and chest… Deep breath in — and out… Inhale… and exhale.

Now, think of a fear that’s been bothering you most, the one you want to work on during this meditation. Maybe it’s a fear of loneliness, or a fear of failure, or a fear of not being enough… We’re going to pick just one for today.

Continue breathing deeply in your belly.

You can now repeat the following affirmations to have a healing conversation with the chosen fear, or just meditate on them…

I am ready to face my fear.

Dear fear, you can come out now.

I know you’re there. I accept you.

I know you’re trying to help, and I honor you for that.

I know you’ll stay by my side for a very long time, and you are welcome to do so.

I am fine with that.

However, you are going to have to play by my rules.

I know you are a natural leader but from now on, you are going to be in the passenger seat.

You are allowed to be present, but you are not allowed to speak up.

I make myself and every cell of my body fully aware that you’re a part of the team at this current moment. That way, I don’t get overwhelmed when you show up.

I will talk about you openly in a safe environment. That way, you become less scary.

I will notice every time you are trying to make a decision on my behalf. That way, I can prevent it.

This full acceptance and deep awareness will silence you, and then eventually, you will lose your power

I know it is totally OK to be scared and I should not be ashamed.

I’m grateful for my mind and body because this fear is evidence that they are working properly.

Now here I am, coming in to adjust and modify things a bit to make them work for me.

I admit when I am scared and I accept it and will do until this fear starts fading away.

And it definitely will because its purpose is to signal danger. And once I acknowledge that nothing is threatening my life — it loses its power.

I will experience, process, live through this fear, and come out strong.

I am ready and I am full of love for myself.

I can do this and I can do anything.

Start slowly coming back by gently moving your toes and fingers. Reach your arms overhead and give yourself a nice stretch…

And then hug yourself. Thank yourself for showing up and for honoring your mind and body. They are truly trying to help you and protect you and today you showed your gratitude.

You can now open your eyes and I really hope you are feeling better and a little more courageous, and I’ll see you next week!

This post was all about how to overcome fear spiritually.


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